Outing to Constitution Hill to explore the Old Johannesburg Fort and the Constitutional Court followed by a picnic at Emmarentia Dam
Tour Guide: Mrs Sandra Murray
Sun, 16/03/2025 - 09:30
Outing to Constitution Hill to explore the Old Johannesburg Fort and the Constitutional Court followed by a picnic at Emmarentia Dam
Tour Guide: Mrs Sandra Murray

Date: SUNDAY, 16 March 2025
Time: 09:30 for 10:00 
Meet at: Constitution Hill Freedom Square in front of the awaiting trial prisoner blocks. 
Duration: About 2 hours at Constitution Hill. 
Bring: Bring a hat, sunblock, and drinking water and wear comfortable walking shoes as the tour will involve a gentle stroll. We plan to have an informal self-catering picnic after the tour at Emmarentia Dam so bring a packed lunch, drinks and some folding chairs to sit on. 
Charge: R60 for members. R100 for non-members.
Booking: Please email Louise Mackechnie on Louisem@uj.ac.za to book. 
Maximum 25 participants.

Information about the Outing
The Johannesburg prison built in 1893, is situated on the ridge overlooking the centre of Johannesburg. For 80 tumultuous years, criminals, freedom fighters of all persuasions, and transgressors of just and unjust laws were imprisoned here. Constitution Hill, established in 2004, reminds us of the country’s past and its constitution which guarantees justice and liberty for its citizens.

This tour explores the interesting life and times of some inmates: the King of the Ninevites; the Arsenic Angel; the preacher who started a bloody rebellion; the ‘righteous’ assassin; the Jackal; the Black Pimpernel, and Mahatma. This part of the tour concludes in the Constitution Court by appreciating the tangible and intangible symbolism of the building which captures the restoration of justice for all South Africans. 
At Emmarentia Dam we will enjoy a picnic lunch under the trees and learn about the Geldenhuys family who owned a vast section of the northern slopes of the Witwatersrand Ridge and bequeathed the land to the city. Discover the Huguenot Monument, the fountain, and plants around the Rose Garden.

Contact Louise Mackechnie to book by email on louisem@uj.ac.za 
Please deposit the fee in the NORTHERN BRANCH account given below
 (and NOT in the Cape Town membership account).
SA Archaeological Society, Standard Bank
Account number 001 945 920
Reference: SURNAME and EVENT. 
Send the proof of payment (pop) to Louise Mackechnie louisem@uj.ac.za.
If you pay by cash or cheque, you must please add R40 for bank fees.

Please take note of the following guidelines for outings. 
1. Arrive on time and immediately report to the committee member who has the attendance register. 
2. Sign the attendance register and indemnity immediately. 
3. Only people who have booked and pre-paid may come on outings, we do not accept bookings or cash on the day.