More Research Shuts Down Controversial Claims About Homo Naledi, Star Of Netflix Documentary
Yet another study has poured cold water on the sensational claims surrounding Homo naledi, an extinct human relative with a puny brain that has been claimed to have buried its dead. In 2023, archaeologists working at the Rising Star Cave system in South Africa claimed they had found evidence that Homo naledi intentionally buried their dead over 240,000 years ago and decorated their graves with abstract markings. It was a bold assertion because this is well over 100,000 years before Homo sapiens are known to have buried their dead, plus the species possessed a brain that’s no bigger than a chimpanzee's.
After posting three pre-print articles on the discovery, the team led by Lee Berger then embarked on a huge media campaign, culminating in a slick Netflix documentary called UNKNOWN: Cave Of Bones.
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