The Trans-!Garib Branch of the Society serves a vast area that lies in the central and west-central interior of South Africa (Free State and Northern Cape), between the regions served  by the Western Cape and Northern Branches. The two main centres of archaeological activity in our area are Bloemfontein (the National Museum) and Kimberley (the McGregor Museum). The Branch derives its name from a Khoe-San designation for the Orange River.
The Branch offers occasional lectures, generally either in Kimberley or Bloemfontein, at such venues as the museums, Florisbad or the Wildebeest Kuil Rock Art Centre. Excursions have taken in a wide range of archaeological sites. Both the National Museum and the McGregor Museum have archaeological displays, while some smaller museums, including that at Barkly West, contain notable archaeological exhibits. Visitors, especially members from other branches, are welcome to make contact if they are passing through the region and we can suggest routes that would take in sites of interest. Brochures and articles are available for many sites and topics in the area.

The branch has a newsletter called Trans-!Garib News.
Contact: David Morris
Head of Archaeology at McGregor Museum, Kimberley
Tel: +27 (0) 82 2224777