Thesis Abstracts
The Bulletin was established in December 1945 with the aim of informing a wide audience about important new research findings on all aspects of African archaeology. A founding principle was that the Bulletin should balance academic excellence with a ‘fight against embroiled and over-complicated jargon’. This it has done for more than sixty years and this longstanding commitment to public archaeology has made the Bulletin one of the best subscribed journals in the archaeological world. Today our commitment to social relevance extends beyond the way that archaeology is written: the Bulletin strives to raise the profile of African archaeological research and to demonstrate the key importance of archaeology within post-colonial Africa.  
The publishers and editors of the South African Archaeological Bulletin are, also, committed to introducing, supporting, and disseminating the work of upcoming researchers in the field of African archaeology.   
Researchers who have received their Doctorate or Masters degrees from 2010 onwards are encouraged to submit their abstracts to for publication as a list of recently conferred theses and dissertations in the December volumes of the journal.  
Abstracts should be submitted as MS-word documents following the Bulletin’s house style (see format of abstracts in this document and the inside, back page of the most recent Bulletin). Submissions must include the following details: title of dissertation/thesis; name of graduate; degree (MA/MSc/PhD, etc.); discipline (archaeology, anthropology, etc.); awarding institution (department/college/ university/country); month and year conferred; name/s of supervisor/s; and link to thesis repository (if available). The inclusion of an e-mail contact and current affiliation/s is optional.  
Bulletin editors will not re-edit abstracts for online publication. The onus is on authors to provide a well-edited version of the abstract that was included in the thesis or dissertation. It may not differ significantly in length and/or content of the examined document. References should be included if applicable and/or in original abstract.